Co-Presidents of St. Martin's Society of St. Vincent de Paul Conference
Jerry & Therese Meyer
If you are interested in learning more about how you can serve our neighbors in need or want to visit our Food Pantry,
please contact us at: [email protected]
We would love to have you join our ministry of service.
Want to donate? See Bulletin or Click Pantry Donations or WeShare.
Meetings are the heart from which SVdP activity radiates and the sanctuary where Vincentians speak openly member to member in Christ's healing love and presence.
To become a Vincentian:
Open (Abrierto) : Every Monday - except major holidays
9:30-11:00 am (mañana)
6:00- 7:30 pm (noche)
Starting February 3, evening time change
Closed 2025 (Cerado): Memorial Day - May 26 (Mayo 26)
Labor Day - Sept 1 (Septiembre 1)
Located at the St. Martin de Porres - Parish Hall
400 Post Oak Road, Dripping Springs
Food & Baby items available (Comida y Artículos para bebés)
Need Food? Click Food Pantry for more details
(Necessita Comida?)
You don't need to be a Parishioner or in our Church boundary to receive food.
List of other Food places near us!
Call 512-859-3740: Leave a message in English or Spanish
(Deja un mensaje en Inglés o Español)
Calls Returned (Mensajes devueltos):
Monday-Friday (Lunes-Viernes) within 24 hours
(entra 24 horas)
Assistance Will Require a Home visit (click for details):
We are grateful for the opportunity to do God’s will in bringing aid and comfort
to the poor and suffering.
More details on SVdP website pages:
Our generous Parishioners help many neighbors through donations. They donated 299 Christmas gifts.
St. Vincent de Paul was on a path to a comfortable life as Chaplin in France when he was called to help people of poverty. He responded by organizing charitable priest and lay women organizations to help the poor. His feast day is September 27. In Paris, France the strong and faithful Catholic voice of Blessed Fredrick Ozanam emerged. His compassion and heart for the poor led him to establish the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) in 1833. Today over 8000 conferences in 150 countries are dedicated to our mission.
At St. Martin de Porres Sister Yvonne Feeley, who has since retired, founded our Food Pantry. On April 11, 2011 the SVdP Conference was formed and incorporated the Food Pantry.